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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie to receive Honorary Doctorate degree from Williams College in US

The Nigerian writer of novels, short stories, and nonfiction Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, will receive an Honorary Doctorate Degree at the Williams College in Massachusetts, US on the 4th of June during the 228th Commencement Exercise.
Adichie who will also be the principal speaker at the Commencement Exercise will receive a Doctorate degree with Billy Collins  an American poet, appointed as Poet Laureate of the United States from 2001 to 2003, as well as former Williams College provost and current president of Washington and Lee University Will Dudley, Gina McCarthy American public administrator and environmental health and air quality expert, and former administrator for the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Gavin A. Schmidt, a climatologist, climate modeler and Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.

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