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Woman almost died after intense sexual intercourse with her husband caused her ovarian cyst to break

Xiao Qing, 26 years old woman from China, was rushed to the hospital after experiencing acute abdominal pain following an intense sexual intercourse with her husband, because their passionate moves had caused her ovarian cyst to break.
Xiao had not seen her husband for six months, as they work in two different cities and rarely meet each other, and when they were finally able to meet on 19th August after she traveled to Changsha, Hunan Province, where the husband lives. They of course had to make up for lost time but their romantic session went bad after Xiao experienced sharp pain in the abdomen. She was taken to the emergency room of the Hunan Provincial People's Hospital and Doctors discovered through a CT Scan that there was a large amount of blood and fluid in her abdomen and pelvic area
Xiao Qing has since undergone surgery to remove the cyst in order to treat the ovaries and she is now recovering from the surgery.

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